In the past, making up to six figures monthly was a thrill.
Now, Amazon has made earning easy for e-commerce entrepreneurs. You can make a lot of money through various options on this online platform. One of the most prominent passive income opportunities is having Amazon FBA stores. With Amazon FBA stores, sellers can outsource the shipping of their products to Amazon. Amazon FBA stores permit Amazon to handle customer service and returns on their orders.
Some of the other fulfillment services that Amazon offers sellers through FBA are picking, storing, packing, shipping and delivering the product to customers. With this made easy setup and an equally simple seller account creation, it is still possible for FBA Amazon sellers to make some mistakes. These mistakes can crumple starting an Amazon business. That is why we have put together this article in this Amazon seller guide on these mistakes to help you prevent running into such errors.
Mistake #1: Not Picking the Right Products
To maximize the money-making features of FBA Amazon stores, you need to pick the right products. It will be impossible or pretty challenging to pick the right product or niche without thorough product research.
You might be surprised that some modern entrepreneurs are only inclined to sell a product they are passionate about. Unfortunately, such a product can belong to an already over-saturated niche. Online customers prefer well-established sellers. Hence, picking a niche with many already established sellers can pose a barrier to your business.
Mistake #2: Not Listing Products Correctly
Countless customers are coming and going through Amazon daily. That is why Amazon FBA sellers are highly competitive. They always find the best way to present their product to customers.
When customers are checking your listing, they have only come to learn more about the products you are selling. If they are not impressed by what they have learned about your product, they will not buy it. This fact is the number one reason for the low conversation rate.
When customers see pixelated product photos, incomplete product descriptions, keyword absence, lack of product features and benefits, etc., such customers may become uninterested in your store.
Mistake #3: Focusing On The Wrong Products
If you need to prioritize anything, rank customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction must inform the quality and price of the product you want to get. Essentially, no customer wants a low-quality product, and neither do they want to buy it at an expensive rate. This mistake can significantly impact your product's review negatively.
To ensure that you constantly deliver a quality product, order some samples, check its functionality, durability, and watch out for how the product can incur customer complaints. Together with offering quality, you must find a way to beat your competitor’s price.
Mistake #4: Overlooking Reviews
Digital entrepreneurs prefer to fast-forward the progress of their stores. The reason is probably because everyone believes you experience fast-forwarded success.
One of the ways you can speed up the success of your Amazon account is to request customer reviews or ask friends and family members to send reviews about your products.
Additionally, some sellers offer incentives for positive reviews. However, Amazon does NOT like when Sellers do this. Amazon FBA sellers that request reviews are in direct violation of Amazon's policies. These kinds of acts expose customers to fraudulent products and stores.
Mistake #5: Overlooking the Importance of Advertising
FBA Amazon businesses thrive on advertisements. After identifying the best product to sell on Amazon FBA, you need to let customers know you have that product.
Because of this, it is a big mistake as an Amazon seller if you don't use the tools already available on Amazon to advertise your products. The popular tools on Amazon are Sponsored Brand Video advertising platforms.
Final Thoughts
Amazon FBA stores are lucrative means of making money. However, there are many mistakes that FBA Amazon sellers should avoid running into. Many of these mistakes happen when the seller takes their eyes off customer satisfaction. Remember, you want to pick products that customers like, and they do not have major suppliers for such a product yet. You also want your product to be of the best quality, well-listed, properly advertised, and cheap. That way, you will not need to request for review. Customers will let others know when they are satisfied with your product.